Okay, so I was busy writing music this morning and an episode of "Gilligan's Island" was playing in the background and it started creeping me out. I immediately and easily related some things to "Lost," so here's what I saw.
It was a color episode from season two where a crate of coconuts washed up and one of them was wrapped in a newspaper that accused one of the castaways of murdering some guy named Randolph Blake with a spear gun before they sailed away on the S.S. Minnow. What's so weird about it was the unbelievable connections running between 5 of the castaways and this one dead guy. I remember everytime I saw that episode before, I used to think, "Oh yeah right, like these seemingly unconnected, random guests on a cruise are all magically linked to the same man. Right." However, after becoming a fan of "Lost," I'm not so quick to dismiss....
According to the episode, Randolph Blake was from the same hometown as Maryann, and he forced her father into bankruptcy. She went to Hawaii to confront him before taking the cruise on the Minnow. Second, Ginger Grant briefly dated Randolph Blake, and he cheated on her. She confronted him about that just before she sailed on the Minnow. Next, Randolph Blake stole one of The Professor's scientific papers and published it as his own, costing The Professor several years of research down the tubes. He finally confronted Blake about the theft right before sailing on the Minnow. Lastly, Randolph Blake was an employee of Thurston Howell, and he'd been caught skimming money out of the register. Both Howells went to confront him about the theft the night before they sailed on the Minnow.
Does this not sound exactly like the kind of odd "coincidences" that drew all of our "Lost" castaways together on that fateful flight? They're all bound together somehow, and we're slowly being given the pieces.
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 01-22-2005 at 07:41 PM..