Running, how often is too often?
I've always hated jogging and running but latly I can't afford a gym membership so I've taken it up since a pair of decent running shoes comes at 1/5 of the gym price.
I've drawn up a 5km(about 3.2 miles) track that I run at a comfortable pace before breakfast. My question is how often I can run this track without breaking down more than I build up and avoid injuries? A friend of mine in the military always said you could run every day without taking damage.
I'd also like some suggestions on quick and funny excersies I could do to keep the rest of my body in shape without any equipment. Now I do 3x30pushups and 3x20situps and 10 chinups every day. I especially need something for my back.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Spelling
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. - Psalms 137:9