Originally Posted by FlatLand Flyer
To much money is involved now and most of the atheletes are not what I would call educated. They may have gone to college for 3 or 4 years, but they sure as hell aren't educated.
Give un-educated "tough" guys alot of money and you are now watching the results every night on SportCenter.
Ahh, SportCenter. This program alone has brought every major sport down a few levels. Seems like every player is just trying to make the next highlight or soundbite on the show. NBA players can't even shoot anymore for christ's sake.
You know that's so true. That's a nother reason why I quit football in HIGH SCHOOL. yea, it sounds ridiculous but when guys are only out there to show everyone how great they were in the film room, it killed it for me. I was told I didn't have the heart for the game, but more and more I think that I was right. There was this kid on our team that everyone wanted on the team, he was like 6'5" 230lbish as a freshman. He was a bohemoth, but you know what? he didn't play to his capabilities (assuming he had some, he had size, that's all i know for sure) because he didn't get to be a wideout, or a running back. So he turned on the coach and acted like a complete ass to the coach because he wasn't cut out to be the star player. There was another kid who every monday in film room he'd jump up at every play he made he'd literally say "did you see what I did there?" From game 1 he was called "sportscenter." So while this may not be true everywhere, I think this shows how bad sports have become.
On the contrary there are still coaches out there doing the right thing and trying to get their players down to a level where they're coachable and don't have that ego...there's just not enough of them.