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Old 01-22-2005, 08:44 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: ignoreland
Good thread, I've wondered this myself for quite awhile. Well, not sure if I am wondering this in the same way as you. I know the way I look and perceive colors are probably nothing like an animal would perceive them. That is pretty obvious, but it lends to the fact that we are pretty limited in seeing things how they "really" are, outside of the human eye... anything outside of the human eye is certainly there, but not anything I can conceive at all.

As far as the difference between people, it seems like colors would appear largely the same, if you consider the similar "moods" people get from observing colors. For example, I read about a study that people put in a yellow-walled room for a length of time would tend to be more depressed. And red is commonly used as an "alert" color. So, whether or not the actual "shade" is exactly the same, the emotional connection, I think, is pretty consistant. However, this may be a flawed observance.

I wonder if people who have had eye transplants have noticed a change, even though the brain would factor into that as well.

Let me end this by stating that it seems like others here have put more thought into this than I have...

*edit* I love "colour" compared to "color." I'd use it, but I think it would be seen as a bit pretentious, considering I'm from urban West Michigan.

Last edited by anleja; 01-22-2005 at 08:50 AM..
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