I've only had a handful of women in bed, so, I'm no expert, but I believe a little humor sometimes is necessary to break some of the tension.
My apartment had paper thin walls so everything I did in the bedroom was heard in the kitchen, the living room, etc... Anyway, the woman I was seeing was a little nervous about being the center of attention even in the other room. I offered to put a little music on, but forgot the only CDs in my stereo were a couple of musical soundtracks and a disney compilation I got at McDonald's (I used to sing them at work to scare and amuse my fellow employees). She thought it was quite funny and we had a nice time with our 'mood' music.
So, I guess the moral of the story is Disney gets you action. No, wait...if that's who you are then that's who you are and if she doesn't like it...well, she won't like you.
No signature. None. Seriously.