Originally Posted by ICER
Actually, they did have a cartoon of the FF. in both the 60's and the 70's. neither one last very long
And there was also one in the mid 90s as well.
As far as Doom not translating into the movies...well the armor and what not won't but I think the arrogant meglomaniac who becomes jealous of Reed and seeks to destroy him is believable enough. Now if the movie is a success what WON'T translate will be any of their other villains.
Galactus and the Silver Surfer-a giant planet eating alien that wears purple and has a chrome plated side kick that cruises around on a giant surf board.
Annilus-a giant bug warlord from another dimension
Blastarr-a giant monkey looking warlord from another dimension
Moleman-A guy who command a group of mole people from underneath New York
The Inhumans-a race of beings who aren't mutants and aren't humans who live in an invisible city and has a leader who doesn't talk and a teleporting dog with a tuning fork on his head.
Namor-the misunderstood half human half Atlantean ruler from under the sea.
Suffice to say even if the FF movie is a hit I hope it's a single movie because their villians suck!
And yes I'm a comic geek and proud of it.