I suppose what strikes me wrong about this particular scenario is that only a couple of dozen Canadians got turned back. Is it remotely a big deal? No. The names of people turned back who are on the suspected terrorist list is a big deal because that's one of the main ways we ID people at borders and at airports. When one of the people with a name on list pops up upon a passport check we can easily detain them or turn them away based upon their name being on said list. This also makes it easier to ID them later if they try to enter with a false passport. If it is known that their name is listed before and they initially try to enter with a false passport then it will be just that much harder to keep track of them.
I would also like to point out that this information isn' t classified per se, but it is sensitive. It was also apprehended in a less then honest manner. Also, at the point that it doesn't reveal some dirty government secret perhaps its best left alone. I agree that theres a ton of overclassification out there and, personally, I think this administration has a lot it's not telling us that it should be, but sometimes I think you just have to defer to the person or body with greater operational intelligence and their decisions on what we are told.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751