I think some of you have a wrong picture of the upcoming elections. Although there is still ongoing violence it is not going to widely disrupt the polls. There will be some cities, like Fallujah, where there will be disruptions and voting will be difficult, but Iraqis do not have to vote in the towns they reside. They are able to vote in any city in the province they live, as a way to avoid insurgent threats. If you live in fallujah, and other troubled cities (mostly in the sunni triangle) you can vote anywhere in your province or in Baghdad, itself. It should also be noted that the insurgent violence that threatens the polls the most is restricted to 3 of Iraq's 18 provinces. The rest of the country is in relative stability as far as holding elections are concerned.
There is also the concern over misrepresentation in the election outcome causing the results to be meaningless. To overcome this, when the Iraqis go to the polls they are not just voting for individuals in the national assembly, but a group of candidates that is representative of all the people. When a Shia casts a ballot for his favorite candidate, on that ticket he will also be voting for a sunni, kurd, etc. So even if all the Sunnis boycott the election there will still be a sunni representation in the general assembly, thus having a voice in the construction of the constitution.