Originally Posted by Frenchie
Someday in the future I want to be pregant.. but not right now. I have too many friends who are pregnant (I'm a senior in HS)
I was toiling with the fact if I was unable to have kids because I had had so many blatter infections. But everytime I go to the doctors (for 4 years now) she tells me that I am fine.. but I don't think she is checking that deep... But if I weren't able to carry a child I don't know what I would do... I would adopt... but I don't think my life would ever be the same. There would be something missing... something very big.
If you don't think your GYNO or doc is checking deep enough . . . find one that will address your concerns . . . My sister in law had the same issue you desribed . . . Not that you have what she has . . . but Turns out she has PCOS . . . something that affected her fertility and that she takes hormones for to help calm her system down and alleviate her symptoms . . . have it checked out Frenchie if you feel that may be a deeper issue . . . it's your body!