zen_tom, I'm not quite sure of what I'm talking about either. I guess I'm sort of "thinking out loud", sort of seeing what comes out of the soup as it is.
It's just that a bunch of things happened or were brought to my attention that kind of stimulated to pursue this abstraction out of curiosity. I wanted to bring y'all in to sort of see what you guys thought or had similar thinking or observations etc.
It's funny, zen_tom, cause your original post "A Marshall Plan for Africa" sort of planted a latent seed for this current thread.
So, if you're wondering, recently:
*AIDS crisis in Africa
*The release of "Hotel Rwanda"
*Events in Darfur
*Iraq, Iran
*EU-NATO-US realignment; what's the real, new world order?
*Unipolarity: the US stands alone - What do we do inthe post-bipolar world, what is our role? Benign hegemony? Isolationism? Neorealism?
*UN corruption and legitimacy
So all these events coalesced and got me thinking a little. The inaugural speech was kind of the trigger. I thought, if there was a subtext or "foreshadowing" of the direction our foreign policy was going, what was he trying to say? Was he hinting at future engagements? More balanced engagement: Aid, military, infrastructure, investment etc.