Imo the amount of secrets any government holds should be extremely limited. And limited to pretty much only the names/identities of any undercover agents (like in the CIA.) I dont see much use in keeping other things secret. Like the names of terrorists trying to enter our country. What good does keeping a person like this' name secret really do? Wouldn't it be better if everyone knew about this person? Wouldn't it be better for THAT person to know the government was watching every little move they make? I know if i was a terrorist and knew the feds were parked outside my house 24/7 i would think twice about commiting any terrorist acts. What about these people that are on the lists that may have legitimate business on airlines to only find out they cant conduct that legal business because their name may be on some list and they didnt know? I'm sorry mr. smith (while waiting to board the aircraft), you cant close that million dollar deal you had scheduled in chicago because you're on our terrorist list.
I'm trying to think of many reasons why secrecy would be good. Really i am. And the only thing i can think of is the names of undercover agents. Most other things it would be best that the public was completely informed. If there was news about a truck full of explosives heading from Canada through my town i would want my local police and town's citizen's informed. This way everyone can be on the look-out and possibly find this thing instead of waiting for one or two lucky agents or cops to stumble upon it.
We Must Dissent.