i have to say i am very disappointed after the first episode of the season last night, although i am a big fan of apprentice. it\'s becoming less exciting, very predictable and simply boring. none of the candidates is likable or impressive or even memorable, making me miss omarosa terribly.
as for the rules of each competition, they are becoming more vague each time. this is not the first time they base the win on the total revenue rather than profits (recall the direct sell on tv episode in the last season). i had a feeling that with the deduction of promotion costs, magna probably would have won. yet since there is a street smart vs. book smart theme, it makes more sense to let the street smarts triumph the book smarts to make the show look more interesting. and the second episode would surely introduce some twist/a shocker: recall the last season, brad got fired due to the abuse of the exemption in the second episode. (possible spoiler) judging from the preview, someone probably walks off the set and tells trump: YOU are fired!
oh well, i will keep watching, but i have a feeling it\'s just gonna go downhill even more.