Originally Posted by powerclown
How can one argue with such nonsense?
Get a pair of fucking 200lb mastiffs if your worried about burglars with guns. Get a taser gun. Get pepper spray. Get a baseball bat for christ sake.
Manx, you argue just to watch yourself type.
you can be anti-gun and own a gun...fucking brilliant. 
Nonsense. There is nothing wrong with the logic of my argument, regardless of how vehmently you may disagree or find it confusing.
I am anti-money, but I own money because society requires it and it is my (idealistic) goal to eliminate the need for money within society. There is nothing hypocritical about my use of money. I am anti-gas guzzling cars but I still own one because it is far more beneficial to achieve my agenda of non-oil based cars if I am able to travel quickly across distances. Again, there is nothing hypocritical about that position.
It would be hypocritical to be anti-gun and take pleasure in target practice, but for the protection from guns that a gun will provide, there is no hypocrisy.