Originally Posted by Lebell
The only responses I've seen of his are on his "Whacko Attacko" page, where the responses don't actually seem to address the criticisms.
Some are pretty good. Others are pretty weak.
Originally Posted by Lebell"
The one I remember is his response to the charge that the Lockheed Martin Waterton plant doesn't make WMD's. His response was something like, well, they do make rockets that launch satellites that the military uses... which of course aren't WMD's He made some more comments to explain himself, which of course, never addresses the fact that he LIED when he said the plant made WMD's. It seems that to his logic, it sorta makes WMD's, because the military uses satelites that may be launched on it's rockets and because LM is a major military contractor.
Here it is:
The Truth: Lockheed Martin is the largest weapons-maker in the world. The Littleton facility has been manufacturing missiles, missile components, and other weapons systems for almost half a century. In the 50s, workers at the Littleton facility constructed the first Titan intercontinental ballistic missile, designed to unleash a nuclear warhead on the Soviet Union; in the mid-80s, they were partially assembling MX missiles, instruments for the minuteman ICBM, a space laser weapon called Zenith Star, and a Star Wars program known as Brilliant Pebbles.
In the full, unedited interview I did with the Lockheed spokesman, he told me that Lockheed started building nuclear missiles in Littleton and "played a role in the development of Peacekeeper MX Missiles."
As for what's currently manufactured in Littleton, McCollum told me, "They (the rockets sitting behind him) carry mainly very large national security satellites, some we can't talk about." (see him say it here)
Since that interview, the Titan IV rockets manufactured in Littleton have been critical to the war effort in both Afghanistan and Iraq. These rockets launched advanced satellites that were "instrumental in providing command-and-control operations over Iraq...for the rapid targeting of Navy Tomahawk cruise missiles involved in Iraqi strikes and clandestine communications with Special Operations Forces." (view source here).
That Lockheed lets the occasional weather or TV satellite hitch a ride on one of its rockets should not distract anyone from Lockheed's main mission and moneymaker in Littleton: to make instruments that help kill people. That two of Littleton's children decided to engineer their own mass killing is what these guys and the Internet crazies don't want to discuss.
In addition to the arguements you listed, the factory also made ICBM's and ICBM parts from the 50s through to the 80s.
Do you have the original quote from BFC?
Remember, I'm just saying that 'ignore' is the wrong verb. If you want to get silly about it, I could accuse you of 'lieing' because you claimed he ignored the attacks. This would make you a hypocrit for accusing someone of being a hypocrit about lieing with a lie!
But, like I said, that would be silly. =p~