Originally Posted by Lebell
It is hypocisy that MM decries multimillion dollar coporations while he himself lives in a multimillion dollar NYC loft in an exclusive building.
This one I'd disagree with. I don't know of any MM propoganda that says having money is itself bad -- from what I can tell, MM says "getting money in bad ways is bad".
Originally Posted by Lebell
It is hypocrisy that MM demands accountability from the president, saying that Bush lied to the American people to advance his agenda while ignoring the critics and the overwhelming evidence that MM himself has done just that himself.
I've seen a number of responses by MM to such attacks. So, "ignore" doesn't seem to be the right verb here. Discount maybe?
Originally Posted by Lebell
And it is unfathomable to me that there are people that support this man when there are better spokespersons for their causes to be had.
Personally, I view him as a light-weight "Fox News" on the left. He does "Documentaries" and Fox is "Fair and Balanced". Although, given the respective budgets, possibly comparing him to the mooney-funded Washington Times propoganda source.
Against such admittedly low standards, he shows up as much shinier!