Originally Posted by FlatLand Flyer
Give un-educated "tough" guys alot of money and you are now watching the results every night on SportCenter.
That kind of sums it up nicely.
Originally Posted by FlatLand Flyer
Ahh, SportCenter. This program alone has brought every major sport down a few levels. Seems like every player is just trying to make the next highlight or soundbite on the show.
And maybe not just Sports Center, but sports channels in general. I mean, it really seems that threre is just not enough sports in the world to fill 24 hours - 7 days a week - or they wouldn't have to resort to playing hours of Poker, Dog shows, Pro Wrestling, Darts and Billiards. While I don't want to slag any of these endavours individually (well, I do, but I wont
), I have to questoin their inclusion as a "sport." I mean Poker?! What the hell.
Professional sports languishes in greed and self-parody while I lament.