Originally Posted by daswig
The vast majority of the pictures don't show anything bad. Pouring water on some guy's face? Bad soldier. Making them act as stevedores? Oh, the horror. Driving the guy around on a forklift? I've done stranger things than that voluntarily while intoxicated.
It's interesting the mindset here. Automatically, without question, these men are the bad guys, the terrorists. Would it be so uniquely impossible that some of these men are innocent? In your eyes,...well I know the answer.
Maybe if you were a suspected terrorist, and were captured by Iraqi forces, and treated to the same humiliation,..would you approve? Afterall, one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. Hmmm,..walk on the other side of the street once in a while, you might gain a little insight into something called humanity. But afterall, this is no big deal to you. You apparently revel in such ignorances by choice.
But getting back to something of more substance, I have to believe there is a fundemental breakdown in the training of military personnel. The U.S, British and Israeli units to name a few have all denegrated military honour by crossing the threshold of idiocy.
I've seen documentaries on U.S and British training methods and am not surprised things like this happens. Kill or be killed was the line I most remember from an interviewee. I could go on but won't.
As unfortunate, is the coming down period for these soldiers, who are understandably fucked up in some ways given the senario of their missions, and have little or no recource to digest and filter what they have gone through. Those with such claims, whatever the percentages, are left to their own means, since to cave in and admit guilt,sorrow, or any emotion not prescribed by the military ,...well is just the pansy way out, the girlie men who couldn't take it etc,,.etc,..machismo and having big balls and not giving a fuck about anything except what the right people tell you to think, do and believe.
I believe the main purpose of soldiers today is to become coldhearted killing machines first and foremost, with little or no regard for there actions. Kind of like a trucker who sees billboards every mile of a cross country journey and can't remember what he saw, but generally would agree somewhere along the line, there was a McDonalds sign.