Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
I've never seen this skit, but already it sounds funny!
Mr Mephisto
i forget we're not all from the u.s sometimes, my apologies.
Originally Posted by Bodyhammer86
Mephisto, it was a nice little animated sequence that SNL had for awhile and yes, it was pretty funny. Too bad SNL doesn't show it much anymore 
it was a pretty funny animation. i too am sad it's not on anymore.
basically, it was two guys in super tight super hero outfits, with a large bulge in the groin area... who fought evil with a car shaped like a penis... when in tight situations, they would somehow end up in each others arms, or one bent over in front of the other, etc. etc. pretty low brow humor, but pretty funny nonetheless.
would seem much easier to attack, as everyone involved was human, and the premise was obvious... but i guess it's not aimed at kids, and it wouldn't 'cause much of a buzz.