Originally Posted by j8ear
The title you selected for this thread belies your argument.
It does not. I'm surprised you cannot recognize humour when you see it. If you honestly believe the title was serious, then I suggest you are in a minority on this board. Or perhaps you are not familiar with my writing style. Or perhaps you just don't know humour. It could be any of these.
This is patently rediculous. Worthy of no more discussion then that. Even your disclaimer of "almost everyone" is so far fetched, I am embarrassed that you resorted this sort of childish, unsubstantiatable nonsense.
Is this for real?
Yes it is for real. And like all accusations of prejudice, it's based on opinion. One man's prejudice is another man's "moral indignity".
I warrant the majority of random people asked the question "Who are more prejudiced? Right wing conservative groups or left-wing liberal groups?" would answer "conservatives". That's my opinion. You disagree, that's your opinion.
And thanks for the insult. I'd like to be surprised, but I'm kinda used to being insulted by (apparent) conservatives for my semi-liberal politics.
I won't bore you with the details of "web only" content, taken from and credited directly to the BBC wires, or the fact that your other two sources are also web only, and taken from and credited to the NYT. This is not significant press. I suspect you could indeed go on. Google is our friend
AAAh, a press release worthy tome and a ham radio and these wacko's are main stream?
Your just arguing for arguments sake aren't you?
haha... No. No I'm not. As I started this thread, with whom am I arguing? I responded to your post that "it" was a whacko fringe group. I also simply repeated the words used in the news articles. Did you read them?
They didn't say "Whacko conservative group", they said "Conservatives..."
Take it up with the journalists at the NYT is you have a beef.
Thanks for the boring, self congratulatory, pat on the back, "about us" link posted by this groups founder. I'm afraid they are still fringe. Wacko is probably too strong a description as I know nothing about them, have never heard of them before, and will likely never hear of them again. That's how I define fringe. Have you ever heard of them before?
I have actually heard of the AMA. And I note with interest that I have also heard of some of their "successes" (as reported in the About Us link), even from overseas. Goodness me!
This might hit the papers tomorrow and might even hit some mainstream media outlets. But it'll die, since it's from a fringe WACKO group, and has no legs.
Again, huh? I guess we'll have to see, but the references posted above simply prove your assertion that the story has got "none" [sic] press coverage in the US.
Anyway, I grow tiresome of arguing with someone who personally insults me, so I'll leave it at that. I wish you the best in your future endeavours.
Mr Mephisto