Originally Posted by ICER
Well. the rumor is that they made a FF movie a few years back, But it was so bad, they never released it ( I saw a few clips from it at a Convention, it looked ike a real sticker) And they wanted to make a another. Hope this one is better.
not a rumor. They definitely made one a while back. They decided not to release it for a number of reasons, one of the main ones being the fact the movie was horrible and the graphics sucked.
I don't know about the trailer. At first I was like "AWESOME!" but the more I watch it, the more it seems like Daredevil or something. I hope it turns out good. Reed Richard's CGI looks kind of - interesting. We'll have to see if it's all looking good or not. Johnny Storm looks badass flying around. Ben Grimm - couldn't have nailed it better. Sue Storm? Not bad, Jessica Alba is certainly pretty and can act if she has to. The only person I'm afraid of is Victor Von Doom (if I remember correctly). I just don't see this translating into a movie very well. The whole character seems too larger than life to put in a movie. But we'll see. Most of the graphics look excellent so far, save a couple of small clips. I am hoping for the best. The Fantastic Four are my favorite comic book characters.