When I state he is a veteran, I don't mean he's some old man who fought in WW2 or anything; I simply mean he has served in the armed forces. He volunteered when he was 17; he is now 30 and completely removed from any military obligations. I personally don't know how military contracts and procedures work, but he stated that he was under a two year contract, and after that he is considered a reserve, and once 8 years passes, he is free of all military duties unless he decides to reinstate himself. He left voluntarily for the very reason I stated in the previous post.
As far as where he fought or went on missions, I don't remember exactly as we didn't get into detail, but I do remember he mentioned Chechnya and Kosovo several times. He stated the Serbian military were some fucked up and sick people, probably the worst he has seen next to Chechen rebels, considering they were military and not guerilla, they broke plenty of rules (like the executions I mention).