Inauguration(sorry if I misspelled it)
Ok, I was just watching a little television and caught part of the Inauguration.
Let me just say that I don't think that I have ever been as pissed off at the current mood of the United States government and general public.
What the hell is up with all the references to God? This just makes me so mad! What ever happened to seperation of church and state? Religion is infiltrating the political realm, and it's not a recent idea, but it is accelerating and getting worse.
I remember two years ago when I graduated high school, there was representative from our state senator to make a speech and it was pretty much a campaign speech, nothing about the transition we were making the goal we had accomplished, the thing that sticks out the most in my mind about it was the story he told about the senator, it went like this, when the senator was a kid he had a Jewish friend who would spend the night on Saturday's, and if the Jewish kid wanted to eat the sunday breakfast at the senator's house, he had to go to CHURCH with them. At this point the crowd stood up and gave a standing ovation and was cheering their heads off, and me being jewish, I just sat there, offended has hell and wondering what the hell the crowd was cheering at and why they would think forcing someone to go to church in order to eat was a good thing.
So now to get back on topic. I was just wondering how many other people here are as pissed off as I am at how religion and the government are being brought together. Why arereferences to God allowed in Inauguration speeches, what about the citizens and voters who are Atheist, Buddhist, Shintouist, Wiccan, Satanists, etc., etc. Hell, people are even trying to get laws passed based upon religious moral principles. Now I'm all for people having their own moral values and practicing them, but not forcing them on others. Political speeches need to be about politics and plans for the future, not religion.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.