I think the things that are kind of screwed up in society are reflected, maybe magnified, by those who we idolize in pop culture - and these include athletes. The concept that money alone is an end in itself, and will grant automatic hapiness is a lie, and greed is now an acceptable means to that end.
Who's the greediest? Big Corporate execs for sure. Next? Actors and athletes, for sure.
So kiss social consciousness good bye. I don't want to sound like I'm preaching here, but if the money wasn't so important, I thikn things like sports would be more interesting because the poeple who are truly passionate about the sport would be playing, not the guys who have some talent and want to retire rich, regardless of the lasting negative legacy they leave behind.
Just my $0.02 worth, and probably worth less than that.
There is no such thing as strong coffee - only weak people.