Poll: Favorite Governing System?
This is my first post in the politics region, so I'm sorry if this forum is just on American politics.
I've been looking into this increasingly since I've met a Finnish exchange student: Finland, a Scandinavian nation, is run by a democratic socialist government. What it means is that there is a president, but he or she (currently she) is a figurehead, and the prime minister makes most of the decisions. There is a parliament, which functions much the same way as in Britain. However, the main difference is the socialism part - basically, while someone pays about 50% income tax and pays much heavier taxes than are typical in the US, they receive free healthcare, free education, guaranteed housing, free house cleaning, and free transportation in cities (where most of the 5 million person population lives). The country (and this is less to do with governing than with my own excitement about the place) is huge, and if you choose to live outside the main 3 city area, you are likely to be the only person for about 100 square miles (a mixed blessing). Also, the economy is excellent and the air is pollution free because there are almost no cars, everyone bikes or walks and most people are in excellent health. Also, Nokia comes from Finland.
Anyway, my vote is for democratic socialism!
Last edited by tecoyah; 01-20-2005 at 05:51 AM..
Reason: Poll Added for your convenience