Thread: NBA Chatter
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Old 01-19-2005, 03:19 PM   #16 (permalink)
How bout my cavs!!! Everyone was hatin their GM Paxson for losing Boozer, but what a frikkin great job he did bringing in talent this year! Drew Gooden Sasha Pavlovic Anderson Varajao Eric Snow....MAN! And has anyone seen this rookie Anderson Varejao play? He's a freaking monster on the boards, i cant htink of anyone else he reminds me of other than a young dennis rodman.

Cavs are goin to be BEASTS next year when they pick up a good SG!!! Trust me a lineup with Lebron and Redd/Allen/Johnson in it would be AMAZING
Agreed. Gooden + Varejao for Battie has to be the move of the year.

Gooden is nice, he is no Boozer, lacks a consistent post presence, but I think he brings more offense to the team. I think that's all the Cavs are lacking, a post presence, Z is a vagina on the boards. But yeah if Bron Bron got a second scorer behind him, they could tear it up.
Gooden is a better compliment to Z. Z boxes out and Gooden can use his athletics to grab that board. Boozer didn't do that, he was much slower. Also, at least Gooden makes some defensive stops. Boozer was and continues to be horrible on the defensive end. And he's not as consistent as he used to be. Neither is Gooden, but he'll have time to grow.
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