Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Part of me wonders if this is a trial balloon to gauge the publics reaction to action in Iran.
interesting theory about Bush policy being psychologically driven, and there might be some truth to it. However, it reminds me of all the times that I have agreed with Rush Limbaugh's conclusions, though a very different thought process led me there.
I might get a little preachy here, and feel free to call me judgmental, jingoistic, and full of typical American arrogance, but I doubt you'll change my mind.
I think we were justified in going into Iraq, and I think we would be justified in getting rid of Iran's nukes, for many of the same reasons. If it was the right thing to do then, and we were mistaken, then it is even more right to do so now, when there is even more evidence that the assumptions about nuclear weapons are correct. I don't think Bush totally fits the strong, stalwart, damn-the-opinion-polls-we're-doing everything-we-can-to-win-the-war-on-terror image that some people like to paint of him, or we would be doing something about it. Then again, he might be.
I think it's probable that we have operatives in Iran. In fact, if we do not, the Congress ought to be asking why not. When a nation that is adamantly opposed to the US has WMD, we ought to be able to do something about it. Not only is it in the self-interest of the US, but in the long-run, it would make the world a better place to get rid of a nation such as Iran. In the medium run, it would make the world a safer place to get rid of the nuclear capability of Iran. Yes, in the short run, an attack on Iran would probably not make the world a safer place, and certainly not safer for our troops, but that is America's obligation and price we pay, both for our protection and as the world's leader.
As for the remarks about Jesus and turning the other cheek posted by Rekna:
Jesus also said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is His. Paul told the people to obey their government, and that it was placed there by God's will. The personal acts of Christians and the behavior of Nations are two very different things. While a Christian myself, I strongly feel that the seperation of Church and State should apply to more aspects of the government than whether there can be nativity scenes in the town square. The disciples practiced what is basically communism, and if people want to act that way, it may even be admirable, but it does not work for governments to adopt those methods. Should the government forgive everyone that commits crimes, as Jesus taught Christians to do? Obviously not. Don't mean to hijack this thread, but I wanted to address that.