01-19-2005, 09:35 AM
#10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Untitled
Homey_V and I started out our relationship long distance. We're from the same area originally but go to school about 2 hours apart. For all intents and purposes, it really shouldn't have worked out, starting from scratch like that. But well over a year later, we're still together and stronger than ever.
Like others have said, communication is one of the most important things. We talk multiple times a day, thru msn and the telephone. We use webcams so we can still see each other.
Another important thing is trust. There's absolutely no way that a long distance relationship can work well if you don't have absolute trust in your partner. If you're "pretty sure" you won't cheat, that's definitely not good enough, in my opinion.
Bottom line is, you have to really really want to make it work, and have to be willing to put the effort into it. Its not easy, not always fun, and it is a lot of work. But I happen to think Homey_V is worth that much effort and more, and thats why our long distance relationship works.
I hope that made sense. Its kinda rambly and Im too sleepy to edit it...
What she said 
You did what with a duck?