Maybe I'm naiive, but I don't think she would cheat one me...she did on her last boyfriend (I helped...oops?) and it was a pretty bumpy ride for a while. We have talked quite a bit about it, and before we were really dating I made it clear that I wasn't too eager to make huge commitments, which was fine with her (at least, so she told me.) I'm definetly not avoiding girls because I have a girlfriend, but there are enough things in my brain that go "hey, watch that" (when I'm awake, at least) that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't cheat. At least, if it became an issue, things would be up for discussion before it got that far.
And I have pretty much decided that breaking up for the sake of breaking up is not a good idea, and we've discussed that...not a fun discussion to have with a girl who is afraid you're about to dump her. But so far so good, I suppose? Though it does suck that we've been going out for like 8 months but I've only seen her in person for 3 of those. We were really good friends before and had/have plenty of interaction through more electronic means, but...yeah. It's a little bit unfortunate.
In a perfect world, I'd have a girlfriend at school. In an unperfect world, well...we'll see how it goes.
Thanks for all the posts everyone, they're a good read! Keep 'em coming