Of the two real relationships I've had, both became long distance.
The first was with my college boyfriend. I graduated, he was still in school. I moved back home, he was in Virginia 12 hours away by car. Looking back, our relationship wasn't that stable to begin with. It was a first for me, so I was still figuring things out. Things ended up with him cheating on me a few times and all that fun stuff.
Now my current relationship is long distance as well, but just 6 hours by car

We met here on TFP. Started out with an offer for a date when I was in Niagara Falls for a concert. We talked a bunch before that, and when we did meet up we got along really well. But I was really hesitant to start up a relationship. I didn't want to go through it again. But I realized that I was a different person than I was in college, and that my boyfriend is so vastly different than my ex. So we gave it a go. We talk through emails or IM nearly every day. Try to talk on the phone a few times a week. And we see each other once every 2-3 weeks so it's not too bad.
Right now he's traveling a lot though, so it's making things a bit more difficult. But I know in the end we'll get through it. Basically it comes down to how much you care about the other person. And how well you can communicate with them.
Long story short, sometimes it can work, and sometimes it cant. It really depends on the people involved. It's been 8 months (man, that long?) since that first meeting in Niagara Falls, and things are going great.
Talk to this girl and see what she thinks about it. Good luck