Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Man, I could not have read this at a more perfect time. I was just talking to my girlfriend about backpacking through Norway, Sweden, Finland, and some other parts of Northern Europe; I love the history and culture and it's been kind of a dream of mine for a while (although she's not too hot on the idea  ), and I've got some questions to add:
What are good months to visit Northern Europe temperature wise? I would hate to get there and freeze my ass off!
Is it really safe to camp out? I would imagine they would be as safe as campgrounds here in the states, but where should I avoid or where do you recommend?
That's all I've got for now...damn am I jealous of you guys!!!
Juli and August are the hotest months in Scandinavia... But the summers are unpredictable, either it's warm or it's raining... This goes for the whole summer... Rainy or hot summer, seldom a mixture...
I would be comfortable to camp just about anywhere in Scandinavia. In Sweden your allowed to camp in forests etc for two days if you leave no trail. Just as long as you don't disturbe it's all fine... So if you want to go hiking it's very easy to...