Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
You are a radical fringe thinking liberal pacifist. You harp on the administration for such and such illegalities, yet it's straight if you let some loon fundamentalists who convene national business to chants of "Death to America" and "Death to the zionists" get nukes. Maybe you don't realize this, but evil exists. If takes people with spines to stand up to said evil, merely wishing for peace and fluffy bunnies and rainbow sunshine won't ever make it a reality. Remember appeasement with Hitler? Nobody had the spine to stand up to him when he violated international law, and look what happened. Here you are conceding nuclear weapons to sociopaths who would kill just as soon as look at you, and there you sit smug and safe in your chair wishing injury and harm to your country and country men because you don't like the administration. War is an ugly reality but it's a necessity because it's obvious that diplomacy will do nothing with these asshats, just like it hasn't done anything in North Korea over the last 11 years.
Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Perle, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft. and Gonzales, have not
exhibited symptoms of sociopathic behavior ? I would not be surprised if many
in the European Union and in Canada, think that they have behaved like
sociopaths. I'm guessing that many members here think that they have.
A convincing argument can be made that the Bushco have fomented war
of aggression, instigated via a carefully crafted campaign of deception.
They planned and ordered the torture and abuse of those captured by
military and civilian intelligence forces under their command. They violated
the Geneva Convention by hiding select captives from the Int. Red Cross.
By your logic, why would it not be appropriate for European or Asian
authorities to use any means necessary to reduce the U.S. nuclear
capability, since it is under the control of sociopaths. Might makes right,
in your world, and in Bush's, too. Lots and lots of people have been, and
will continue to be needlessly maimed and killed until you and Bush wake
the fuck up. You're so myopic, self centered, and quick to choose aggression.
U.S. state sponsered murder doesn't scare the Iraqi resistance, and it
doesn't achieve the intended political or economic result. The initial military
result is reversed over time. You're living in the past and you're fucking up
the world by encouraging and supporting the Bushco.