Yet Americans are allowed to possess nukes and shove their beliefs unto countries because they abuse their status and feel they have a God given right? And you wonder why they chant "Death to America"? It isn’t too difficult to figure out.
Yes, you are correct, evil exists, and America is no better than Iran, Iraq or N Korea in terms of "evil", as has been proven for the past 50 years. Unfortunately, it's your type of hateful and angry mentality that initiates conflicts which escalates to senseless wars. If only humanity believed in peace and "bunnies and rainbow sunshine’s" rather than destroying our fellow man, we wouldn't be riddled with violence, hatred and death. Maybe instead of focusing massive amounts of time, energy and money on destroying and killing to solve issues, we could use that energy as positive and try and learn how and why we have so much violence in the world, why people or groups possess so much hatred and how can we prevent it. Answering violence with violence will end up with violence. It will continue to be a never ending circle, and this is not a way to solve issues.
If you have a dog that is not behaving properly, do you shoot it in the head or do you train it to learn? We, as humanity, must take it step by step in order to reach our goals, and war is a never ending train ride to nowhere but our own self-destruction.
Unfortunately, you are right, I am more than likely living in a fantasy world in which peace is possible, and in reality, it is an impossibility as long as we have people who believe violence should be solved with more violence. It saddens me to know that our existence will likely cease due to our own greed and hatred. I hope it doesn’t take a humanity-ending massive disaster beyond any control to make us realize killing each other is indeed senseless when viewing the big picture…because unfortunately by then, it would be too late.
EDIT: And I never wished harm to anyone, I simply stated military action will result in nuclear action which is something to be expected.
Last edited by Rdr4evr; 01-18-2005 at 11:50 PM..