Originally Posted by dtheriault
Rodger the dodger, the problem with hating him was I had read a biography of him and had so much respect for him as a man. But yes he broke our hearts.
Whenever anyone talks about sport toughness I bring up Youngblood playing on a broken leg. Merlin Olsen, John Capelleti (sp), Hacksaw Reynolds, Rich Saul, Duval Love those Rams were the greatest. Even though I hated watching Pat Haden struggling to see over the O line- you still loved all 5" 7 of his courage.
I have a football with the signatures of the entire 1980 Superbowl team given to me as a present when I was a kid.
Since you saw that superbowl, do you think the rams threw that game? Remember they were up at the end of the third quarter, they actually sprinted to the other side of the field to start the 4th. Then they folded by the spead almost exactly.
I still lament that game.
My favorites were #58, Isiah Robertson and Nolan Cromwell.