One of my friends brought Morrowind.. was telling me about it and I went and looked it up, my draw dropped. I haven't been able to find it for the same price he got it yet, so I'm still looking.
Originally Posted by cybermike
I don't want the game to be an MMO, but it would add a ton more enjoyment if it supported up to 8 players on LAN. I'd still be playing the game today if it had just a 2 player coop mode and I've had the game since it was released.
I agree Cybermike, a MMO is not needed of this, my friend and I both agree that it does just need a basic multiplayer system (me and a couple of friends get together and play NWN every couple of weeks). Either just through Direct connect or Lan, MMO would ruin this.
I went to the Oblivion forums and the people that asked about multiplayer seemed to get flamed saying that it will never be Multiplayer. I prefer playing an RPG with friends (abit of a dice and paper man myself) than spending hours by myself, heck I would even buy my girlfriend a copy so we could play over LAN together. Abit of a let down, but oh well.
I looked up the reasons why they couldn't make Oblivion multiplayer, apparently they would have to rebuild the engine from scratch because the engine actually revolves around the player.. 0 on axsis X,Y and Z at the players point.
Perhaps they will make the Next one Multiplayer.. but.. NWN 2 will be out by then and I'll be playing that with my buddies