I'm just disappointed. We could be so much more to the world, but we choose instead to bomb shit and play with our toys in the sand.
I don't think the current administration gives a great almighty crap if the military is spread too thin or public opinion, at least on this issue, because he believes he's doing what's 'right.' The military was already spread pretty thin in Afghanistan when they decided to enroll us in Nation Building 101 at Iraqi U. Promising us a clean, quick and decisive victory and delivering...well.... We then moved on to posturing towards North Korea despite the difficulties mounting in Iraq. Iran just seems to be the next 'logical' step in the solution. All this despite the poll numbers, public opinion and mounting criticism from fellow politicians, political pundits and what passes for the 'media' these days.
I've watched the news these last few days and all the administration seems to be interested in is dancing around the issue. Deny, deny, deny, but be very vague as to what it is your denying. Watch the language, we can argue semantics and syntax later, which again, seems to be modus operandi.
I expect the vast majority of the Congress to kowtow as it's politcally expedient to maintain the status quo. I also expect a lot of bitching, pissing and moaning from what's left. Nothing substantive. Just enough to make some noise so they can draw a few more cameras their way. I lost my faith in Congress' ability to stand up for anything substantive when in their ambivilence they 'voted' away the War on Terror. So, I expect them to do very little to 'stop' anything other than a repeal of a cost-of-living or salary increase, they we'd hear all holy hell.
Regardless, the question that keeps popping up in my mind is how hard would it be to garner support to get rid of Iran? How many countries out there are scared shitless at the possibility of Iran having nuclear capability?
No signature. None. Seriously.