This is ruggles. I was banned.
I was banned because this is bones.
You may remember me, you may not.
either way, i feel cheated that i cannot view this website any longer.
Granted at the end of my career of bones i was pretty anti authority against this site because i disagreed with some of the practices.
thats all in the past.
i ventured back on the site last week and fell in love agian with a site that i once frequented.
People seemed to enjoy my posts again too which is nice.
And i enjoyed the posts of others as well.
This post is probably all for naught because i will get banned again most likely and this post will be deleted.
However, i must use this as a plea to be allowed back in.
At least on a trial basis.
I havent broken any laws as ruggles. i was an active part of the community and i was having fun with other members. just like the good ol' days.
Must i beg? because i will i suppose.
Please, just a trial basis is all i ask for.
or an email explaining your thoughts.
you can reach me at:
you can all reach me there.
i will be on my best behavior, besides im tired of making new names to try to get back to my favorite "home" on the net.
I miss it. i want to be part of the community again.
Thats all i ask.
Please dont deny me things that i love.
Your friend,
Bones/ruggles/bill/mcpeepants/air45 (not really)
thank you
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