Well said Mojo.
International Law is defined by a quorom of nations signing a treaty. I believe the number if around 184.
International law can also be enforced on nations that do not recognize it; albeit usually after their defeat in war. The perfect example is the trial of Japanese War Criminals after WWII. Japan never signed or recognized the Geneva Convention. Yet hundreds of their "citizens" were executed for crimes against humanity; crimes defined with reference to the Geneva Convention.
Just because you personally don't like the UN doesn't really mean much. Just because the US doesn't comply with all UN or international treaty obligations doesn't really mean much either. If it's deemed illegal by the international community, it's illegal.
Like it or not, the only "special" thing about the US is its power. The US is not above the law, despite how many of its citizens believe it should be.
The same goes for any state, including Ireland and Australia (before anyone makes reference to where I live or my citizenship).
Mr Mephisto