Originally Posted by GraveTaker
I'm not exactly sure if this goes here but whatever, anyways my friend drives a modified car and was at a red light and when the light turned green, he had a lead foot and stomped on the gas. by the time he got to the other side of the intersection, a police officer (pig) pulled him over for speeding and told my friend that he caught him doing 160km/h on the radar meanwhile my friend was only in 2nd gear and that gear cannot hit 160, he was actually doing 80km/h and gave him a $960 ticket with 6 points and 1 year suppession.
I told my friend that he should've asked to see the radar but he said that he was scared and forgot to. The cop was also giving him problems with his car saying that some parts were illegal meanwhile infact they are completely legal parts.
I also drive a modified car and in 1 week i got pulled over twice, once was because my friend and i were driving around (not breaking any laws or speeding), i was infront of him and all of a sudden some idiot in a car flew by us but the 2 cruisers that saw this let him go and came up behind US and pulled us over. The Sergant mister big shot came up to me and said that he thought we were "racing" and asked me if we were, i told him no and said how come the person not too far up ahead wasn't pulled over. He just looked at me and walked away. Then he searched my car for illegal parts which i don't have on my car. Clearly he was just trying to bust our balls because we had nice rides. The second time i got pulled over was legitimate and my mistake, when i got my car i didn't notice that the signal lights were actually blue and so i got a $110 ticket for having illegal blue flashing lights which are suppose to be for snow vehicles only which the charge was taken down and i gave the dealership some shit for it which they apologized and changed the lights for free... that had nothing to do with this thread....
If any of you guys have any pig stories like this spill it....
First of all, (assuming you're in the USA) why is a cop searching you car whitout a warrant at the time of the ticket?