It has the ability to either play in shuffle mode or in a playlist mode. The lack of LCD screen is kind of a minus, but really do you actually need an LCD screen when you only hav 100-200 songs. I have a 512mb rio with a LCD, but no way to skip through and pick a specific song or anything, so what good is the screen. Do you really sit and watch the song title go by as you are listening? this is marketed for people that already have a hd player and want a flash player to take to the gym etc. Also the fact that it will hold other files makes it somewhat unique. Not only does it play music but you can store your work files etc on it also...
I probably won't buy one since I have a flash based player and an iPod, but I still think it is just as good as any other flash based player out there and for once, not too far from the going price of them.
My heart will be restless until it finds its final rest. Then they can weigh it...