I got a buddy of mine who just hit me up the other night about this exact same thing. New PC (I think it was a Compaq/HP) and the 60 day free tiral had just expired, however we were in luck because installed on the PC was MS Works which will open and edit the doc file he was afraid he had lost cause he was not willing to shell out the money for Office Full.
I purchased Office for Students and Teachers for my gf when I bought her a new laptop for her studies her freshman year in college, was not asked if I attended any College or University at Best Buy when I paid for it, and have only had one small problem (if you even wanna call it that) The laptop was a Dell and had an MS Works suite pre-installed, now whenever I do Office updates from MSoft they always ask me to insert the Works Install CD's that the laptop came with instead of the office CD which I purchased....Other than that no problems getting or using the MS Office for students and teachers
Spank you very much