The reason there are studies that link Green Tea consumption to weight loss is because tea drinkers often lead healthier lifestyles, including exercise and proper diet.
In short, drinking green tea, exercising 3 times a week, and burning more calories than you consume will most likely result in weight loss.
Drinking green tea, only lifting a remote control, and eating your weight in cheeseburgers over a week will not.
It's also relative to other beverages being compared. Of course drinking tea is healthier than drinking Cola. Does that prove that green tea makes you lose weight? No, it just proves that you eliminated the extra calories from the cola. Replacing your drink with tea or not, you're just consuming less calories.
"If you're not weird, you're not interesting".
I'm very interesting ...
seizei; (adv - Japanese) at the most; at best; to the utmost; as much (far) as possible. (pronounced - say-zay)