Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Because, by definition, you need to have a point in time when voting is permitted.
Are you seriously suggesting, for example, that infants be given the right to vote? No, I don't think so.
If not 18, then when?
OK, 16? Why not younger?
OK, 14? Why not younger?
OK, 10? Why not younger?
OK, 7? Why not younger?
You get the point. There HAS to be a line. And 18 is that line. Moving it somewhere else doesn't do anything but move the "problem" (not that I think there's a problem at all).
Modern society generally accepts 18 as the "age of maturity"; at least in the West. As such it is an entirely appropriate age to welcome children into adulthood.
Are there people who are immature even though they are over 18? Yes. Yes there are.
Furthermore, are there people who are mature even though they are under 18? Yes. Yes there are also.
But generally speaking, statiscally (and even from an ontogenic point of view), humans develop over time. Whilst physically mature at the early teens, pyschologically they are not. Therefore sociey has adopted 18 as the point at which they are considered adult. Therefore they should be permitted to vote at 18.
Quid Erat Demonstratum
Mr Mephisto
I am suggesting that it might be interesting to look into the possibility to give the right to vote to anyone who can check a box. I am not demanding change, I am asking for an open mind. I know you to be a man that has an open mind.
"There HAS to be a line." Why? Are children second-class citizens because they might not percieve the world as we do? I know that school funding might skyrocket if people who are actually in the elementary and highschools were able to have a say in the quality of their education. Pyschological maturity is mentioned as one of your prerequisits. Are mentally unstable people allowd to vote? We execute mentally retarded people (God bless America...

I am going to summerizer what you siad. There has to be an age below which you cannot vote (then you give no reasoning behind this). Modern society says 18 is the age of maturity, therefore you can vote at 18 (so this IS about maturity). People under 18 are not psychologically mature (are you sure about that? Proof?). Then you rest your case.
I'm confused. Can you please explain this to me?