so wait, what if the person had neighbors named bush. It's not that uncommon of a surname. I curse my neighbors quite often as they do me. We do actually get aong well, but it's more of a jest thing. I would not be too offended to walk outside and see a HUGE banner across the street saying, "DIE PAQ" but i don't think even the local PD would investigate...
I think it's more of an intent vs the message itself. I'm sure the SS could reasonably knock on the door, see a few people who are totally incapable of committing an act of violence against the president, and either they will suggest the sign be changed or they will really do something unconstitutional...
on the one hand, i can honestly see the SS taking this as a serious threat for the simple reason that the SS takes any threat against the president as a serious issue. I would raise more hell if they came in, arrested the people, and said it was for presidential security when there is no clear and present threat.
as for the swatstika inclusion in the article...i believe that is simply to instill an ill will in the reader towards the family in question. I am often more afraid of the person dressed in normal clothing with a real will to harm than the swatstika covered loudmouth in the subway.