Castration is ineffective: They just substitute other things for their own genitals. The reason they're doing what they do is to see the fear and hear the scream.
Actually chemical castration for sex offenders has proved to be quite the opposite: (from
http://www.csun.edu/~psy453/crimes_y.htm )
Chemical castration is an ideal punishment for sex offenders. When Depo-Provera is administerd, recidivism rates fall to 5%. Their sexual fantasies are lessened as a result of the reduction of testosterone levels. Although men administered this drug are capable of having sexual intercourse, many people argue that chemical castration is cruel and unusual punishment. This argument is countered by the fact that sex offenders are required to get injections only once a month. What is "cruel and unusual" is allowing sex offenders to attack innocent women and children. This effective therapy will protect future victims. It is an "offender friendly" way of reducing sexual violence. [LaLaunie Hayes.]
Personally I am for the death penality in extreme cases. If you have proven yourself unfit to live in society by means of killing people around you, I'm not going to pay for your 3 meals a day for 60+ years (which usually happens anyway due to legal entanglements

). I do agree with Meph and some others that the death penalty is used far too liberally, especially in cases of child molestation. Even in my relatively calm homestate of Iowa we get cases of molestation that are eventually recognized as unfounded slanderous attacks (especially on teachers), and it absolutely ruins the accused persons life. Take that one step further where you would be putting a perfectly innocent persons life in the hands of a lying "victim", the only outcome I can see is negative.
but it's a well known unpublished fact that if you go to prison for something done to a child....you become the bait real quick...
I think Hollywood and the media have done a fairly good job establishing this myth, but until any of us actually find stats (

) we'd just be speculating.