God doesn't just make up rules for amusement. There are reasons, moral, logical, ethical, behind his laws and rules. Why no sex before marrige and gambeling?
No sex before marrige: How many people who abstain from sex have STDs, or AIDs? How many people who abstain have teenage pregnancies (besides Mary the mother of Jesus)? God is trying to protect us from ourselves. If you are responsible enough to have kids, and you KNOW your partner doesn't have any STDs, you're probably alright. "We have all intentions of getting married but we want to finish school first." You are not ready for kids. If you have intercourse 100 times each time using a condom, there is a chance some of your sperm will get through. Spermacide, male/female condoms, the pill all have failure rates. It's thbat simple. Until we have a perfect contraceptive (besides castration or abstainance), you are running a risk. If you are married, you are usually stable enough to support a child. If you are still in school, you are not.
Actually, the word "gambling" never appears in the bible. The church uses inuendo and far fetched interpretations about this one. Gambling can be addictive, so be careful, but have fun. Go with a certian amount to spend, win or lose, and leave knowing you had fun.