Originally Posted by DePaulPaul
Actually, ninnycode, one of the mechanisms of sleep is partial paralysis of the body, so that our bodies don't act out our dreams in our sleep. It sounds like your friend may have been having a nightmare she had tried to wake from before the sleep mechanism wore off. That would explain her being unable to open her eyes as well as feeling a "pressure" (caused by her trying to move her muscles and being unable to.)
I used to get this all the time as a little kid. I'd never tried researching it before, but your post sounds just like it. I'd have a nightmare but I wouldn't be able to open my eyes. I'd have to physically take my fingers and force my eyelids open. Could be paralysis due to sleep, or fear I guess.
Of course, one time I lifted my arms to open my eyes and someone/thing grabbed my arms at the wrist and squeezed real hard. I could feel the nails digging into my skin. I didn't open my eyes, I just put my arms down and lay there for probably a half hour before I could work up the nerve to look.
Years later I figure it must've been my mom thinking she was being funny, but she's never admitted it. Quite the opposite actually, she rather vehemently denies doing it.