I dunno what courses your watching the women play, but unless your Tiger Woods, Even womens Par 5's are 480-550. This last weekend, I was watching with my wife, shortest par 5 on the course was 505. 95% of the pros can't even go driver - 8 iron to that. Little "bending" of the club lenghts there. However, your comments are dead on the money. I'm a 4 handicap, I coulden't agree more.
She doesn't deserve to be there.
Keep in mind however, Amatuers also get these same invites, also not qualifying for the PGA through the Q school as well, so it's along the same lines. She'll soon find out how tough it is playing with the big boys.
Don't forget, if your a sports fan in general, you'll also know about Mr. Singh and the cheating and falsifying of a scorecard, banishing him from 2 different tours. He's also the 7th ranked player in the world. He doesn't know what it's like to struggle bad enough to get an exception invite, either.
Last edited by Kurant; 05-14-2003 at 06:50 PM..