Hmm, what a productive thread.
I guess before this gets locked, Ill give my perspective into the SF post, given that I was the first one to comment on it, and my comment was along the lines of "get help."
I didnt say that because of his wanting to try a certain drug. I said it because, like Hal, Ive seen a long history of self-degrading posts on his part that point to depression. Not just "man, what a shitty day" kind of posts, but things that seriously make you wonder. Then I saw that post, and figured I had to say something. Sure, I could have misinterpreted it--like Mephisto said, theres a cultural difference here. But given his long history of posts pointing towards depression and substance abuse, I thought, and still think, that he needs to seek help, of the professional sort. I stand by what I said, and I dont think that it was out of my place to speak up when I see someone in a community I care about going down on a destructive cycle.
Now, SF, if you read this, dont take it the wrong way. While there is nothing personal going on here, it is of a personal nature, and I must apologize for that. I do, however, still stand by my original post--please, get some help.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."