Originally Posted by kazoo
Your other option if you cannot find a proper size preformed pan is to do a mud base tiled pan. Yes, it's a helluva lotta work, and I wouldn't advise someone to try it who hasn't previously worked with tile, but that is one way to achieve custom sizes. Some membranes are available to take the place of a traditional lead or copper under pan, and there are also some plastic kits to assist with forming the slope of the mud bed evenly on all sides towards the drain receptor.
Yeah...this is what I'm looking for, and I've done tile
So if ya don't mind a couple of questions eh? How do you do it? I'll have my floor exposed to the sub floor and probably exposed 2x4 framing were the shower wall was. Should I block from the floor up about 4 inches, build a threashold were the door wiill be, put a "membrane down, and lay about 2" of mud sloped properly then tile?
ps (psst., don't tell the wife, but I dont mind a helluva lotta work
