Hibernation size is what's required for an image of RAM. The only way to be certain it's available is to pre-allocate the full amount.
Sailor's right about pagefile size. Happy default size is 1.5xRAM but that gets silly if you're at 1GB or more. Unless you know you need that much, shrink it, and disable OS paging. Keeping drivers and OS in RAM really help make desktop operations snappier.
(Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Memory Management/DisablePagingExecutive = 1)
Keep an eye on it though. If you remove RAM or install something hungry that causes your system to need paging, it will start throwing faults. This can be a problem if it happens while booting. The only fix is to boot in safe mode and set DisablePagingExecutive back to 0 (zero).